13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Graphic design at the end of the millenium

1964 The first things first manifesto = more radical form of graphic design
*criticized the ideas of value-free design
*contributed to the founding of publications such as Emigre Magazine.
2000 leading lights of the Graphic design, artistic and visual arts community
*republished by Emigre and others

Emigre:A type foundry in Berkeley,California.
David Carson: innovative magazine design.
*developed his signature style using "dirty type" (father of grunge)
*helped in the development of the History of Graphic Design

Web Design the inventor of the World Wide Web / the first web designer:Tim Berners-Lee

New form:users could easily open other pages using browsers.

Design by numbers was created for visual designers as an introduction to computational design.
*the quality of media art improve through establishing educational infrastructure in arts and technical schools
*a programming environment and language.
*enviroment: a unified space for writing and running programmes/language:the basic ideas of computer programming within the context of drawing. 

Post Modernity

A term used to describe the social and cultural implications of post modernism.
*used by philosophers,social scientists,art critics
*re emergence of surface ornament
*surrounding buildings,historical reference,non orthogonal angles(Sydney Opera House)

Deconstruction used to indicate the application of post modern theory a text.
*undermine the frame of reference and assumptions that support the text
*contractions between the intent and surface of a work general process.

Deconstructive Typography

*more experimental approach to typography
*floating type compositions + fragmented typographic treatments
*meant to feel rather than read a page
*reveal similar tropes and strategies of collage or repetition


*Scientific knowledge,experimentation,technology
*New art,architecture,music,literature

Modern ideas in art appeared in commercialsand logos.Mass production lead the designers create simple and recognizable logos.

Art Deco

Materials:Aluminium,stainless stell,laquer,inlaid wood.Combination of craft motives and geometric shapes.Curves are bold.

Forms:Craft motives,geometric shapes,bold and precisecurves,zigzags.(The Empire State Building)

Adolphe Mouron Cassandre

*Ukranian-French artist
*Painter,poster artist,typeface designer
*Alliance Graphique=advertising agency
*His poster fast moving vehicles
*Innovative graphic solutions such as Picasso

(Yves Saint Laurent logo)

WPA Posters

*Work Progress Administration - USA
*unskilled workers in the era of Great depression
*Public buildings,roads,large scale art projects

Post WW2

*German Bauhaus School affected America because of migration
*Minimalism rised up
*Adrian Frutiger,Paul Rand,Müller Brockmann main figures in this time.

Swiss Style

*New graphic design style.
*International Typographic style 
*use mathematical grid 
*Sans-serif typography(for instance Helvetica)
*Black&white photographs
*Clear,structured,harmanious style is important!

The New York School

*40,50,60's NY
*influence Surrealism,Avant-garde and interaction of friends.
*Mainly:action painting,expressionism,Jazz,fabrication theater,Avant-garde music.

Alexey Brodovich

*Russian emigrant photographer,designer work in Paris and America
*Art Director of Harpers Bazaar
*"Visual vitality and immediacy" important for him
*text+photography+white space!
*There is no recipe for good layout

Paul Rand

*American graphic designer 
*corporate logo designs (IBM,UPS,Ford,YALE)

Bradbury Thompson

*blending of photography,typography and color
*expanded the boundaries of the printing page
*influenced the design of a generetion of art directors.

Saul Bass

*Graphic designer (motion picture design: best such work)
*corporate logo designs (AT&T bell system logo)

Milton Glaser

*"Bob Dylan" poster,"I love New York" logo,"DC bullet" logo used by DC comics
*Glaser's work directness,simplicity,originality.
*Great impact->contemporary illustration and design.

Eclecticism-Art Nouveau


Eclecticism the borrowing of a variety of styles from different sources and combining them.Eclecticism was an important concept in Western design-Oriental Japanese Printing.

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau style appeared in 1880s.Art Nouveau was a shimmering presence in urban centres Europe and North America.It was the style of the age seen on public buildings and advertisements,inside private homes and outside street cafes adorning the life of the city.Art Nouveau was a response to the radical changes caused by the rapid urban growth and technological advances that followed the Industrial Revolution.This timeline establishes a counterpoint between major moments in the development of Art Nouveau.

Posters popular in 19 th century!
Coloured posters=cheaply and easily

Alfons Mucha

Principal designers of posters.He designed costumes for Sarah Bernhardt.Art Nouveau style distinct.Czechoslovakia independent and he designed new republics stamps,banknotes.

Henri de Toulouse Lautreic

In 1881 he resolved to become an artist; after taking instruction, he established a studio in the Montmartre district of Paris in 1884 and began his lifelong association with the area's cafés, cabarets, entertainers, and artists. He captured the effect of the movement of dancers, circus performers, and other entertainers by simplifying outlines and juxtaposing intense colours; the result was an art throbbing with life and energy.

Arts and Crafts Movement

English,American aesthetic movement inspired by the writings John Ruskin.British and American arhitecture,decorative arts,cabinet making,crafts and cottage garden designs of William Robinson or Gertrudee Jekyll.

Wright and artists in the Pre-Raphaelite movement.

Some of the protogonists turned handcraft left machinery technology.Some Europeans believed machines fact necessary but machines were ordinary.

William Morris

English artist,writer,socialist activist,pioneer eco socialism

English hand craft movement!

Morris influenced John Ruskin and they met.He also met his wife.His wife Jane Burden working class woman,pale skin,languid figure,wavy,dark hair = epitome beauty.

Morris openned Morris Company.The Kelm Scott Press Morris founded ths press.Printing and book design.He designed clear typefaces such as his roman"golden type"

Victorian Era

*the height of the British industrial revolution
*a distillation of the moral views
*verbal or written communication of emotion/sexual feelings were banned (such as leg->limb [euphemism])
*men cloths:formal/women clothes:fussy and over-done(mens formal clothing less colourful than previous century)(womens used corsets,corsets brought to the fore chests and shoulders)
*homes are dark,gloomy,cluttered with massiveover-ornated furniture. 


Cheap standing art,there is no creativity.



Alois Senefelder invented the technique of printing stone plates.This new method has spread rapidly in the arts. Lithograpy has become an outstanding techical Munich became the center of printing technique.

Ink and water mixture!!!
Ink will adhere to the positive image, water will clean negative image.

A separate stone is used for each color.Poster designs appeared.Many chromolithographic printing produced America and Europe.Multi-colour printing appeared "Chromolithography"


Visual communication producedures was invention photography.This is the process of making pictures "Action of light" Light patterns reflected or emitted from objects.The first photograph image produced by French inventor Nicephore Niepce on a polished pewter plate with a camera.

Daguerre announced to discover fast photography but William Fox had earlier discovered "Fix a silver process".Daugreeotype became was popular.Middle classes choose this people could not be pay much money.Photo's have low cost than the oil paintings.

George Eastman developed film to replace the photo plate!Photographers no longer needed to carry boxes of plates and toxic chemicals!Kodak camera went on the market...

Slogan: "You press the button,we do the rest"