13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Arts and Crafts Movement

English,American aesthetic movement inspired by the writings John Ruskin.British and American arhitecture,decorative arts,cabinet making,crafts and cottage garden designs of William Robinson or Gertrudee Jekyll.

Wright and artists in the Pre-Raphaelite movement.

Some of the protogonists turned handcraft left machinery technology.Some Europeans believed machines fact necessary but machines were ordinary.

William Morris

English artist,writer,socialist activist,pioneer eco socialism

English hand craft movement!

Morris influenced John Ruskin and they met.He also met his wife.His wife Jane Burden working class woman,pale skin,languid figure,wavy,dark hair = epitome beauty.

Morris openned Morris Company.The Kelm Scott Press Morris founded ths press.Printing and book design.He designed clear typefaces such as his roman"golden type"

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