13 Ocak 2013 Pazar

Graphic design at the end of the millenium

1964 The first things first manifesto = more radical form of graphic design
*criticized the ideas of value-free design
*contributed to the founding of publications such as Emigre Magazine.
2000 leading lights of the Graphic design, artistic and visual arts community
*republished by Emigre and others

Emigre:A type foundry in Berkeley,California.
David Carson: innovative magazine design.
*developed his signature style using "dirty type" (father of grunge)
*helped in the development of the History of Graphic Design

Web Design the inventor of the World Wide Web / the first web designer:Tim Berners-Lee

New form:users could easily open other pages using browsers.

Design by numbers was created for visual designers as an introduction to computational design.
*the quality of media art improve through establishing educational infrastructure in arts and technical schools
*a programming environment and language.
*enviroment: a unified space for writing and running programmes/language:the basic ideas of computer programming within the context of drawing. 

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